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Gangs of wasseypur Movie Reviews

Gangs of Wasseypur is a diffuse epic, content to coast around the revenge plot instead of making it the thrust of its narrative – and what the film loses in terms of dramatic power, it gains in texture
The Hindu
It's avant-garde, offbeat and interesting narrative makes it an absolutely riveting experience
Times of India
Kashyap gets flavour, setting and character right, but the lack of economy cripples the film. There is a lot of gunfire, but like the fine actors populating its sets, Wasseypur fires too many blanks
A film with robust story-telling, crackling performances and thick textures. It’s an irresistible cocktail
Gangs of Wasseypur works like an explosive leaving you wanting for more
The changing history of Dhanbad at its centre, over a dozen important characters, a web of plots and subplots moving deftly to a to-be-continued finale, can leave you exhausted and confused.Here’s a film that demands 100% attention and it won’t stop till it has it
Showing promise of brilliance in parts, but not bullet-proof to flaws. With a runtime this long, meandering side tracks and random sub-plots, countless characters it loses blood in the second half
It may not for the faint-hearted and the prissy. Gangs of Wasseypur is a heavyweight knockout punch
Symbolizes the fearless new Indian cinema that shatters the cliches and conventional formulas

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Thursday, June 21, 2012
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